Letter templates

Have you ever wanted to write a letter or email to advocate for yourself and / or the Jewish community but didn’t know where to begin? Feel free to leverage these templates as a guideline –  you can adjust any language and tone. If you have any questions or would like to suggest / request a different template be added, please contact us. Please fill in the parts highlighted in yellow.

  • Letter to employers for not denouncing the terrorist attack against Israeli civilians Download here
  • Letter to employers when their staff has posted something antisemitic – Download here
  • Letter to employers for not calling out antisemitism – Download here
  • Letter to employers to acknowledge Jewish holidays when scheduling internal events (from an employee) – Download here
  • Letter to employers to acknowledge Jewish holidays externally via social media – Download here
  • Letter to employers to include Jews in their diversity and inclusion group – Download here
  • Letter to employers when they withdraw their stance against antisemitism – Download here
  • Letters to government representatives (local MP / local MPP / Toronto + Vaughan / Thornhill Councillor) when there is an Antisemetic incident, including a link to find email addresses – Download here
  • Letter to Union Head Concerns Regarding Antisemitism Download here
  • Letter to University Presidents from Alumni to Denounce the Lack of action Against Antisemitism on Campus Download here
  • Letter for students to send to their school when administration / student council when there is an antisemitic incident involving the administration / student council – Download here
  • Letter for when there is an Antisemitic incident at a school – Download here
  • Letter for when a teacher or soon-to-be teacher / Early Childhood Educator is Antisemetic – Download here