Antisemitism is neither a theoretical nor a hypothetical problem. It is real and it tragically continues to exist alongside every Jewish community in the world. Though we have lots to be proud of as Canadians, antisemitism is alive and well in our country, and the numbers speak for themselves.
Some numbers that help illustrate the problem are as follows:
- There are only about 14.8 million Jews in the world, representing only 0.2% of the world’s population (Pew Research Centre).
- In Canada, it is estimated that there are about 350,000 Jews, representing only 1% of the Canadian population (World Population Review).
- In 2021, Jews were the target of 14% of all hate crimes in Canada and were 10 times more likely to be targeted than any other religious group. (https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/85-002-x/2022001/article/00013-eng.htm).
- Overall, Canada saw a 47% increase in hate crimes against Jews in 2021, making the Jewish population the most targeted religious group in Canada (https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/85-002-x/2022001/article/00013-eng.htm).
- In 2022, the hate crimes towards Jews in the GTA roseby 12.5% from the year before (https://www.tps.ca/services/resource-centre/2021-hatebias-crime-statistical-report/).
- According to newly released Statistics Canada 2022 data, the Jewish community was the target of 502 police-reported hate crimes, a 2 per cent increase from 2021, which saw an exorbitant increase of 49 per cent from 2020. Canadian Jews were the most targeted religious group, and second most targeted group overall.
These numbers are always changing, but the one fact that remains static is this: antisemitism exists. It is the greatest conspiracy theory in history, and targets the Jewish community in different forms, at different times.
Understanding antisemitism is a crucial element of countering it. Countering it takes courage and an understanding of the facts versus the myths that are out there. This website is thus intended to be a resource for those seeking to understand and combat today’s incarnation of antisemitism.