Antisemitism is an irrational hatred of the Jewish people, for any number of reasons. It is a historic hatred, going back millennia and, is often correctly, referred to as a conspiracy theory, in that the beliefs that underlie it have no basis in reality. Antisemitism is a form of racism, and an Antisemite holds hostile, prejudicial or hateful positions regarding the Jewish people.
Anti-Zionism: Zionism is the belief that Jews should be able to exercise self-determination in their historic homeland. If someone is anti-Zionist, it means that they do not believe in the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish State in the Middle East. If one believes that Israel is the only state in the world that cannot exist with a particular identity, religious or otherwise, then anti-Zionism equals antisemitism, since it is a standard being maintained only against the Jewish state, and none other.
Of course, this does not mean that Israel is above criticism. Criticism of Israel is not in and of itself antisemitic. Israel’s policies and practices can be criticized, as can any other state. However, it crosses the line when it delegitimizes or denies the Jewish people’s right to self-determination; demonizes Jews, portraying them as evil or blowing Israel’s actions out of proportion or holds Israel to a double standard. Further, when someone proudly self-identifies as “anti-Israel,” this is often a signal that they are exchanging one prejudice for another, rather similar one.
There are diverse views among Zionists about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and about how to promote peace or support for a two-state solution, but, the vast majority of Jews around the world feel a connection or kinship with Israel, whatever their position on specific Israeli government policies, and believe in Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish and democratic state. Further, one can promote Palestinian rights and nationhood without denying that same right to Israel.
Consciously or not, among today’s anti-Zionist leaders, and those who engage in harsh delegitimization of Israel, are individuals who often try to disguise irrational antipathy toward Jews and use age-old anti-Jewish rhetoric in their charges against Zionism and Israel, for example invoking dual loyalty, conspiracies of Jewish / Zionist power over a country’s policy and using classical antisemitic imagery to characterize Israelis, among others.
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