Myths and False Claims

Please find a list of terms, phrases and claims that are often misused, misunderstood or used as a vehicle for antisemitism. Often, when discussing difficult or complex topics involving Jews and Israel, trigger words and stereotypes are used to vilify, delegitimize, and demonize them. Resurgence of stereotypes, Holocaust denial & misinformation is often antisemitism masked as criticism of Israel. A lack of understanding of who Jewish people actually are can perpetuate false narratives. We hope these myth-busting facts are a starting point for you to learn and feel comfortable educating others. In turn, they can be used in defending against them and combating antisemitism. The list is by no means comprehensive so if you think anything is missing, please contact us.

Myth: Israelis are colonial settlers / colonizers

For the last 3,000 or so years, there has been a documented presence of Jews in what is now Israel. The Land of Israel was the birthplace of Jewish identity and culture. Certainly, for the last 2,000 or so years, the majority of the Jewish community has lived in the diaspora (i.e. outside of the […]

Myth: Israel is an Apartheid State

The term “Apartheid” is an Afrikaans word meaning “apartness” and specifically applies to the system of racial segregation in place in South Africa between 1948 and 1994. This was a clear, institutional, and legal separation between white, black and mix-raced peoples. There were different benches, beaches, stores, bathrooms, water fountains, schools, etc. It was also […]